Kepada Bf adik aku,
Peraturan 1: Kalo ko sampai kat pagar umah adik aku pastu dok hon…hon, pastikan ko bawak barang yang nak dihantar..sebab ko takkan ambik ape2 atau sesapa.
Peraturan 2: Jangan ko pegang2 adik aku depan atau belakang aku. Ko boleh pandang dia, selagi mata ko tak merayau lebih dari paras leher adik aku. Kalo ko takleh jaga tangan ko dari dok pegang2 adik aku..aku boleh tolong cabut dan jaga tangan ko kat umah..
Peraturan 3: Aku tau skang nih fesyen budak2 pakai seluar londeh sampai nampak boxer atau spender ko. Aku ni open-minded, so aku takkan suruh ko pakai seluar tu elok2 cam manusia normal. Tapi, bagi memastikan yang seluar ko takkan terbukak atau dibukak semasa ber’dating’ ngan adik aku, aku akan pakai stapler gun kat dalam laci aku nih untuk lekatkan seluar ko kat pinggang.
Peraturan 4: Aku rasa mesti ko tau pasal kempen seks ‘selamat’ yang omputih dok canang hari2 kat tv atau internet. Kalo tak pakai perlindungan cam kondom atau lain2, ko mungkin akan dapat penyakit yang mungkin membunuh ko satu hari nanti. Meh sini aku nak bagitau, kalo ngan adik aku ni, aku lah pelindung tuh..dan aku akan mendatangkan sakit kat tubuh badan ko dan kemungkinan besar akan bunuh ko jugak. Paham?
Peraturan 5: Biasalah kalo ko nak berkenalan lebih baik ngan aku ni sebagai calon abang ipar ko..ko nak berbual pasal politik, pasal sukan atau lain2 topik semasa. Aku takmo dengar semua tuh. Satu jer topik yang aku minat nak dengar: bila ko nak antar adik aku balik ke umah dia semula? Dan jawapan yang aku nak dengar cuma: “Awal.”
Peraturan 6: Aku rasa ko ni hensem, popular kat kolej/pejabat ko, banyak peluang nak dating ngan aweks2 lain yang lagi kiut-miut..aku takde hal ngan kelebihan ko tu..selagi adik aku pon ok dengan kepopularan ko. Tapi, sekali ko dah couple ngan adik aku, ko jangan pandai2 cari pompuan lain sampai la adik aku dah bosan ngan ko atau dia break-off ngan ko. Kalo ko wat adik aku nangis, aku pulak akan wat ko nangis.
Peraturan 7: Sementara ko menunggu adik aku bersiap, jangan dok mengeluh kalo dia bersiap lama sangat. Kalo ko nak orang yang punctual, ko leh dating ngan mat askar. Kalo ko bosan menunggu kat luar tu, tolong le wat ape yang patut, cam basuh keta adik aku atau cat pagar umah adik aku ni.
Peraturan 8: Tempat2 berikut adalah dilarang sama sekali korang pergi dating; tempat yang ada katil, ada sofa, ada rumput atau apa2 tempat yang leh duduk2 atau baring2. tempat2 yang takde kehadiran orang tua, polis, tok imam. Tempat2 yang gelap. Tempat2 yang membolehkan korang berpegang tangan/menari atau bersukaria. Tempat2 yang panas sampai membuatkan adik aku terpaksa pakai tshirt takde lengan..pakai short skirt. Tempat yang sejuk sampai ko kena panaskan badan adik aku. Movie yang romantic, berunsurkan cium2 tu elakkan. Movie pasal seksa kubur atau hari kiamat dibolehkan.
Peraturan 9: Jangan sekali-kali menipu aku. Aku ni nampak jer perut buncit, kepala hampir botak, tapi aku akan tau semua pergerakan ko dari spy2 aku. Kalo aku tanya ko nak pegi mana, dengan sapa lagi yang join ngan korang, ko ada satu peluang jer nak jawab dengan benar, tiada yang tak benar melainkan benar belaka. Aku ada satu senapang patah, satu cangkul dan lima ekar tanah . Selalunya aku dok menembak khinzir kat situ. Kalo aku tembak kepala ko kat belakang tu, takde sapa yang nak tanye. Jangan main2 ngan aku.
Peraturan 10: Ko patut takut ngan aku ni..kalo boleh biar sampai sangat2 takut. Aku ni dok teringat2 lagi peristiwa bukit kepong. Sampai skang kalo ada orang datang umah senyap2 pastu dok berbual kat laman, jangan sampai tertembak..aku ingatkan komunis. Nanti dah abih dating, sampai kat pintu pagar, bukak pintu kereta dan angkat dua2 tangan ko tinggi2. Cakap dengan jelas “saya datang antar adik abang”. Pastu terus blah. Tak payah masuk minum teh. Kilauan matahari yang ko nampak kat tingkap umah aku ni ialah teropong senapang sniper aku.
Sekian, Yg ditakuti,Abang Kepada Gf ko.
This blog is dedicated for those who seek the knowledge and information without prejudice. Here also people can have info regarding online games and many self motivated items. Feels free to comment. I will not be held responsible if any content of this blog is used for illegal conduct.
Hello guys and gurls.... I'm back!
Its been too long since i last post my comment. Maybe its time for me to get back on track and try to share my expertise and info... at least to my loyal reader (i hope).
From today i will reinvent my blog to suite current issue and needs. The first thing we all thinking about is and was what will become the PTK replacement. Second about hacking. And a few tricks and tips to handle just about anything. I hope i can help for those who need help. The big question is ....... are you ready? See ya.... :D
p/s: sorry if my english was not that good. its been a while the last time i wrote this long :P
From today i will reinvent my blog to suite current issue and needs. The first thing we all thinking about is and was what will become the PTK replacement. Second about hacking. And a few tricks and tips to handle just about anything. I hope i can help for those who need help. The big question is ....... are you ready? See ya.... :D
p/s: sorry if my english was not that good. its been a while the last time i wrote this long :P
CCTV Surveillance: Video Techniques and Technology
Is cctv help to reduce crime rate? Maybe yes and maybe no. Or it just a typical political decision? Only time will tell. The increasing of crime rate will follow the social development in that area. The installation of CCTV might be helping but the initial issue was how the development induced crime cases. I wonder...
Morally Wrong or Not Having Morals
I heard the PM statement about the government officers asking for 2 month bonuses. PM state the 'it was morally wrong to ask for bonuses during this hard time'. The translation to malay is wrongly translate. It was translate to 'it was seems that government officers do not have morals for asking 2 month bonuses during this hard time' (perkhidmatan awam dirasakan tidak bermoral dengan meminta bonus untuk 2 bulan dimasa kegawatan ekonomi).
I hope the translation must be equal to the meaning the PM want to say. Pm does not want to call public servant no moral at all. He was telling that it was morally wrong/unethically to ask for bonus. This i think the BEST meaning. I hope all can understand the real meaning behind the statement.
I hope the translation must be equal to the meaning the PM want to say. Pm does not want to call public servant no moral at all. He was telling that it was morally wrong/unethically to ask for bonus. This i think the BEST meaning. I hope all can understand the real meaning behind the statement.
Add as Followers Gift
As for now and future, any followers of my blog will received a special class will be held by me in near future. The class will be online or face to face. I will be conducting a class in exams, how to control mind, and also the concept of study. Please be advice that this special class free for my followers and for others, i will take class orders. Please bare in mind that it will not be free coz additional cost occurs. Thanks you
Tough choices either to speak, ask or keep mouth shut.
Sometime i had a very tough choices coz i need to choose either to speak up, or to ask or to keep my mouth shut. Do you all have the same kind of experience? I really need some advice for what i need to choose and why... ty
What do u call a opportunist?
Do we call a opportunist an unethical person? In my opinion, an opportunist will grap any oportunity it will get. Only a few think twice, but most of them, will act accordingly. Nobody want to let go a good deal.... i bet nobody will. Unless the deal is so evil, hahahhaha..
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